1. This game is rated PG-13. Users 13 years and older are allowed to play this game.
  2. Keep your account information to yourself. Staff will never ask you for your password! Everything done on your account is your responsibility. Do not trust your friends with your information, they can get you into trouble.
  3. Users are allowed to have 3 accounts maximum. If you have family that play, notify a staff member.
  4. Do not post content that would be considered a higher rating than PG-13, this includes violence and pornography.
  5. There is a zero tolerance for fighting, bullying and harassment! Report it to moderators immediately to let us help you. Engaging in the activity can result in you being punished as well.
  6. Do not hotlink images. Upload the images to your personal image bank.
  7. All content that you do not own, you must have legal rights to use. Follow all of the author's rules, and give credit.

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